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Former Members
Dr. Adrian Petris
Job Title: Senior Scientific Researcher I, Head of Group NIO
Office Location: INFLPR, Laser Dept.
Telephone: +4021.457.44.67/2052
E-mail: adrian.petris@inflpr.ro
Dr. Adrian Petris is a physicist and Senior Scientific Researcher I at INFLPR Bucharest - Magurele, Romania.
He is a member of the Scientific Council of INFLPR since 2004. Expert in elaboration of the research strategy in Optics and Photonics in Romania (ESFRO Project, 2011) and of the European Roadmap for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, MONA - “Merging Optics and Nanotechnologies” European Consortium (2008).
His current research interests include nonlinear and information optics (spatial optical solitons and soliton waveguides, characterization of nonlinear materials by Z-scan and laser induced dynamic gratings, optical non-linearities in nano-structured materials, wave mixing, self-diffraction, optical phase conjugation, adaptive optical interconnects, holography and holographic interferometry using reusable photosensitive recording media, Fourier optics, Talbot-moire deflectometry, schlieren optical filtering).
Awards: - The Romanian Academy award "C. Miculescu" for Physics (1999).
- Associate Member of International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (2005)
Editor-in-chief (Optoelectronics and Photonics): Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications; Member of the Editorial Board: Romanian Reports in Physics. Referee (optics): 10 ISI journals.
Visiting researcher: Imperial College, London (1996-2001, each year), University "La Sapienza", Rome (2001-2011, each year, 2011), International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (2006-2012, each year), Institut fur Reaktorsicherheit, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (1996, 1997), Phys.-Techn. Institute "A.F.Ioffe", St. Petersburg (1990), etc.
Scientific publications: over 80 published papers and 95 communications at international conferences.
Member of Program Committees of Intl. Conf.: ROMOPTO (Romania, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, INDLAS (Romania, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2014 – co-chairman), Correlation Optics (Ukraine, 2013, 2015, 2017), Workshop on Adv. Nano- and Biomaterials and their Device Applications (Romania, 2012, 2014, 2016).
Short CV
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Dr. Petronela Simona Gheorghe
Job Title: Scientific Researcher
Office Location: INFLPR, Laser Dept.
Telephone: +40724517061
E-mail1: petronela.doia@inflpr.ro
E-mail2: doiapetronela@yahoo.com
Petronela S. Gheorghe graduated the Faculty of Physics, at the University of Bucharest. In 2004, she obtained her MSc Degree in Physics at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, studying "Methods for the characterization of the nonlinear optical materials", coordinated by Acad. Prof. Valentin I. Vlad and Dr. Adrian Petris. She obtained the scientific title of Doctor in Physics from the same Faculty, in 2016 with the thesis "Nonlinear optical properties of micro-structured materials", supervised by Acad. Prof. Dr. Valentin I. Vlad.
She works as a scientific researcher at the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Department of Lasers, in Nonlinear Optics and Photonics Group. Her actual research activity concerns characterization of nonlinear materials by interferometric methods, Z-scan/I-scan, third harmonic generation, laser wave mixing and self-diffraction, optical phase conjugation, optical nonlinearities in sub-wavelength structures; characterization and applications of enhanced and ultra-fast (fs) nonlinearities, high resolution microscopy.
Between 2014-2016, she was president of INFLPR OSA Student Chapter.
Organisational/managerial skills: member of the Organising Committee of International Conference on Optics , – “Micro- to Nano-Photonics” - ROMOPTO 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, coordinator of Organizing Committee of International Conference INDLAS 2007 (Industrial Laser Applications), INDLAS 2008 (Modern Laser Applications), member of Organizing Committee of International Conference INDLAS 2012, 2013, 2014, member of the Romanian Committee of the International Year of Light 2015, member of Organizing Committee of International Conference IONS Balvanyos 2017, coordinator of Organizing Committee of International Conference INDLAS 2018 (Modern Laser Applications).
Summary of the PhD thesis
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Mariana Buzatu
Job Title: Technician I
Office Location: INFLPR, Laser Dept.
Telephone: +40743147429
Email: mariana.buzatu@inflpr.ro
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Former Members
Job Title: Senior Scientific Researcher I |
| Professor at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Doctoral School |
Ionel Valentin Vlad graduated the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Dept. of Electronics, in 1966 and obtained the scientific title of Doctor Eng. from the same Institute, in 1972, with a thesis on information processing in holography, supervised by Prof. G. Cartianu, member of Romanian Academy.
Researcher in the Institute of Atomic Physics Bucharest (IAPB), from 1966 until 1975, where he achieved the first solid state laser in Romania (with G. Nemes) in 1968.
In 1969-70, he also studied at the University of Paris (with Prof. M. Francon) and visited CGE-Marcoussis.
In 1975, he became chief of Holography Laboratory at the Department of Lasers, IAPB. In the interval of 1977-89, he was a senior researcher in the Central Institute of Physics. During that time, he was also a visiting scientist at the Physical Institute "A.F.Ioffe" in St. Petersburg, working in holography, ultra-fast optical phase conjugation, wave mixing in photorefractive crystals (PRC) and pm-amplitude vibration measurements (with Prof. Yu. I. Ostrovski and Prof. M. P. Petrov). He visited also the Technical University Darmstadt (DAAD Fellowship, for wave mixing in PRC with Prof. T. Tschudi).
Since 1990, he has been professor at the University of Bucharest and chief of the Laboratory Nonlinear and Information Optics in IAPB-NILPRP, Department of Lasers. He was a visiting professor at Chiba University, Japan (JSPS Fellowship for associative storage and processing in PRC, with Prof. J. Tsujiuchi, in 1991), at Centro de Investigaciones en Optica of Leon, Mexico (Catedra de Excelencia, collaboration in direct spatial reconstruction of optical phase with Prof. D. Malacara, in 1992) and at Universita "La Sapienza" di Roma, Dept. Energetics, collaborating in spatial solitons in PRC with Prof. M. Bertolotti and Prof. E. Fazio, in 2001 and 2005. He was also invited, as a visiting researcher, to the USAF Laboratory in Hanscom (USA), in 1999.
Prof. Vlad was active as an external collaborator at the Imperial College, Blackett Lab., in London, since 1991 (in a project with Prof. J. C. Dainty and Prof. M. Damzen on SBS, adaptive interferometry and interconnection using PRCs) and at Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching (in a collaboration with Prof. H. Walther on space charge distribution study in PRCs with a highly sensitive AFM for information storage with few photons), since 1994. In 1995, he became associate researcher at ICTP, Trieste (Italy) and in 2003, ICTP Senior associate (with research work on quantum gases in cavities with small adiabatic invariants and nonlinear photonics). In 2001-2008, he was a project co-ordinator, with Prof. E. Fazio (for studies in spatial solitons and soliton waveguides), in the frame of the Inter-governmental Italian-Romanian Collaboration Agreement in R&D.
He was a co-director of the Romanian Center of Excellence in Photonics (ROCEP).
His publications include more than 150 scientific papers published in Romania and abroad and he took part in over 200 scientific communications at conferences. He holds four patents (one in USA), is the author or co-author of five books and editor of 5 Proceedings SPIE (of the conferences "ROMOPTO").
Prof. Valentin Vlad has been the President of Physics Commission of Romanian Consultative College for R&D in 1991-2002 and Vice-president of Grant Commission of Romanian Academy (1994-2007). He was also the national project coordinator in the EU Network of Excellence FP6-PHOREMOST-NoE IST-2-511616 "Nano-photonics to Realize Molecular Scale Technologies" (with works in study of optical nonlinearities of nano-structured materials, quantum dots, in nano-imaging and in theory of thermodynamic functions of cavities with low adiabatic invariants) and in the EU-FP6 COST P8 Action (on optical information storage and processing). Vlad is the national project coordinator in the EU COST MP0702 Action (on sub-wavelength photonic devices).
Currently, he is the President of Div. Optics and Quantum Electronics of the Romanian Physical Society (which acts also as ICO National Territory and EOS partner). In 1991-1993, he was Vice-president of SPIE - Romanian Chapter. He is the chief-editor of the journals "Romanian Reports in Physics" and Proc. Romanian Academy: A, as well as a member of the editorial board of the "Journal of the European Optical Society" and "SPIE Reviews".
Prof. Valentin Vlad received different awards for his work, including "T. Vuia" Award of the Romanian Academy in 1978. He was elected "Fellow Optical Society of America" since 1978, Member of the Romanian Academy (a lifetime position between 181 distinguished intellectuals of the country) since 1991 and "Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Chartered Physicist", U.K, since 1999. In 2005, he was elected Member of Academia Europaea and he received "Galileo Galilei" Award of the International Commission of Optics (affiliated to ICSU and IUPAP). In 2006, he was elected Fellow of The Intl. Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE). In 2008, he was decorated with the National Order "Loyal Service" in grade of Knight.
From 2010-2014 he was a vicepresident of the Romanian Academy. Between 2014-2017 he was the President of the Romanian Academy. The complete CV of Prof. Vlad can be found here.
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Dr. Tatiana Bazaru Rujoiu
Job Title: Scientific Researcher
Dr. Tatiana Bazaru finished her PhD at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, with the thesis "Characterization methods of some nonlinear optical materials for photonics", coordinated by Prof. Dr. Valentin I. Vlad.
She completed her MSc Degree in Physics at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics in 2002. Title of the dissertation thesis was: "Diffraction efficiency of holographic gratings recorded in As2S3 films", and scientific coordinators were: Acad. Prof. Valentin I. Vlad, and Dr. Adrian Petris.
The objectives of her research were: to realize experimental setups which permit systematic investigations of optical nonlinear properties (i.e. photoluminiscence, two wave mixing, four wave mixing, Z-Scan technique); to explore size-dependent effects in silicon (subwavelength structures, nanoporous silicon, nanocrystalline silicon) using these setups.
Member of professional associations: former student member of SPIE and OSA
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